性感女星博客晒陈冠希近照 两人关系欲说还休

新浪娱乐讯 内地性感女星孟茜昨日在她的新浪博客(blog)
文中嵌有一系列陈冠希( 听歌)的街拍照片,以及孟茜本人

姓 名:陈冠希 英文名:Edison Chen生 日:10月7日 星 座:天秤座身 高:178cm  籍 贯:上海体 重:64kg   语 言:广东语、国语

何超仪新MV因陈冠希遭禁 剪画面盼内地过审(图)

新浪音乐讯 何超仪( 听歌 blog)在不雅照事件爆发前找好友陈冠希( 听歌)(Edison)拍新歌《偿还》MV,不料因他形象重创,《偿还》MV遭内地禁播,她忙喊冤:“这件事对他(Edison)不公平,对我也很不公平。”她说目前考虑剪掉他在MV的画面,希望内地能通过播出。



陈冠希顾自远走高飞 合伙人潘世亨愁爆诉苦

新浪娱乐讯 2008年8月15日,香港,自从 陈冠希( 裸奔


由他的合伙人潘世亨(Kelvin Poon)一手处理,原本两个人









类别所有类别农业化学品的商业服务建筑电气设备及用品时尚配饰家具及家饰礼品工艺品保健及美容产品,家电及照明灯的行李,手袋及案件办公用品包装与纸张的PDA及手持式印刷及出版安全&保护鞋类及配件玩具运输手机>阿尔卡特手机> “所有其他的手机移动电话>苹果手机>华硕手机>明基-西门子手机>禽流手机>黑莓手机>电话卡的手机>手机零件及配件手提电话> ethen手机>技嘉手机>海尔手机>惠普手机>库存手机> i - mate更多手机> LG手机>摩托罗拉手机>诺基亚手机> O2的手机>的Palm手机>松下手机>泛泰手机>菲利普斯手机> qtech手机>萨基姆手机>三星手机>夏普移动电话>西门子手机> Sony Ericsson手机>东芝手机> VK的移动电话> xcute笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>宏基笔记本电脑及笔记型电脑>华硕笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>康柏笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>电脑零配件笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>戴尔笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>富士通笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>网关笔记本电脑&笔记本电脑>惠普-康柏笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑> IBM的笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>笔记型电脑部分配件的笔记本电脑及笔记型电脑> lenova笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>松下笔记本电脑及笔记型电脑>三星笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>索尼笔记型电脑及笔记型电脑>东芝消费电子>数码相机消费电子>的DVD , CD播放器的消费电子> GPS的消费类电子> iPod的消费类电子产品>跳转司机消费电子>记忆卡消费电子>的电影消费电子> mp3/mp4播放器消费类电子产品>其他消费类电子产品消费类电子产品>零件及配件消费电子>的PDA消费类电子产品>等离子,液晶电视消费电子>的PSP及游戏电脑零配件> “添加对卡的电脑零配件>袋/箱子/背包电脑零配件>准系统/套电脑零配件>电缆,电脑零配件>情况的电脑零配件>的CDR / dvwr电脑零配件>控制器/适配器电脑零配件>冷却风扇的电脑零配件> CPU的电脑零配件>桌上型电脑,电脑零配件>数码相机电脑零配件>外接式磁碟机的个案电脑零配件>快闪记忆体/卡读卡机的电脑零配件>工具/工具,电脑零配件>游戏电脑零配件>硬盘电脑零配件>摇杆电脑零配件>键盘,电脑零配件> mainboards电脑零配件>媒体(的CDR , DVD )的电脑零配件>记忆体的电脑零配件>小鼠-光学/轨迹球电脑零配件>麦克风电脑零配件>调制解调器的电脑零配件>显示器/液晶显示器的电脑零配件> M P3播放/的M P4播放器/电脑的i Pod&部分>网络电脑零配件>光碟机的电脑零配件>摄像头的电脑零配件>电源保护电脑零配件>电源供应器的电脑零配件>打印机,电脑零配件>移动存储电脑零配件>扫描器,电脑零配件>软件/书籍电脑零配件>音效卡的电脑零配件>议长电脑零配件>电视,电脑零配件> USB闪存驱动器的电脑零配件>摄录机及网上摄影机的电脑零配件>视频卡的电脑零配件>的VoIP /电话设备娱乐>书籍娱乐>电影娱乐>音乐娱乐>视频游戏的古董>古物古典, amer古董>建筑与园艺古董>亚洲古董古董>书籍,手稿古董>装饰艺术古董>人种古董>古董家具>地图,地图集,金球奖古董>海事古董>乐器古董>时期,风格的古董>原始的古董>复制古董,古玩>地毯,地毯,古董>科学与医药古董>银古董>纺织,亚麻商业及工业>农业与林业企业及工业>施工企业及工业>食品服务及零售业务及工业>医疗保健,实验室暨生命科学领域的商业及工业>工业电器及测试业务及工业>工业供应,维修业务及工业>制造业及金属加工业务及工业>办公室,印刷及航运业及工业>其他工业家居与园艺>浴家居与园艺>床上用品家居与园艺>建筑五金家居与园艺>餐饮酒吧家居与园艺>电器及家用太阳能&花园>美食家居与园艺>家具,家居与园艺>园艺&植物家居与园艺>加热,冷却系统及空气家居与园艺>家居装饰家居与园艺>家居安全家居与园艺>厨房家居与园艺>灯具,照明,吊扇家居与园艺>主要家电家居与园艺>户外电力设备家居与园艺>天井&烤家居与园艺>宠物用品家居与园艺>水管及固定装置的家居与园艺>泳池及温泉家居与园艺>地毯及地毯,家居与园艺>工具,家居与园艺>真空吸尘器&持家家居与园艺>窗口治疗珠宝及钟表> “所有其他物品珠宝首饰及钟表>身体珠宝首饰及钟表>手镯,珠宝首饰及钟表>的魅力与魅力,手镯,珠宝首饰及钟表>儿童的珠宝首饰及钟表>设计师品牌的珠宝和手表>耳环,珠宝首饰及钟表>种族,部落珠宝首饰及钟表>头发珠宝首饰及钟表>手工制作,工匠珠宝首饰及钟表>首饰盒及用品珠宝首饰及钟表>珠宝集珠宝及钟表>松散珠首饰及钟表>松散的钻石及宝石,珠宝及钟表>男人的珠宝首饰及钟表>项链及吊坠首饰及钟表>针,胸针珠宝首饰及钟表>戒指,珠宝首饰及钟表>经典,古董珠宝首饰及钟表>手表房地产>出租房地产>作出售用途> “所有其他业务出售的房地产>作出售用途>公寓房地产>作出售用途> BB心跳&招待所房地产>作出售用途>商务中心房地产>作出售用途>赌场及夜总会房地产>作出售用途>公寓房地产>作出售用途>家园房地产>作出售用途>酒店及汽车旅馆,房地产>作出售用途>的土地及很多房地产>作出售用途>餐厅和咖啡厅房地产>作出售用途>别墅房地产>为购买> “所有其他业务及物业房地产>为购买>公寓房地产>为购买> BB心跳&招待所房地产>为购买>商务中心地产>为购买>赌场及夜总会房地产>为购买>公寓房地产>为购买>家园房地产>为购买>酒店及汽车旅馆,真正的屋>为购买>土地&很多房地产>为购买>餐厅和咖啡厅房地产>为购买>别墅交友>匹配&约会服务交友>男找女交友>女性寻找男性的软件>音频和视频软件>桌面软件>开发工具软件>驱动程序软件>游戏软件>图形与设计软件>首页>教育软件> “互联网工具软件> ,组织及业务软件>编程软件>屏幕保护程序的软件>的主题,软件>公用事业软件>网页设计与编程公司软件> Web图形汽车>阿库拉汽车>阿斯顿马丁汽车>奥迪汽车>汽车零部件,汽车>宝马汽车>别克汽车>凯迪拉克汽车>雪佛兰汽车>克莱斯勒汽车>道奇汽车>福特汽车>通用汽车>本田汽车>悍马汽车>现代汽车>英菲尼迪汽车>五十铃汽车>捷豹汽车>吉普汽车>起亚汽车>路虎汽车>凌志汽车>林肯汽车>马自达汽车>梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车>汞汽车>迷你汽车>三菱汽车>日产汽车>庞蒂克汽车>保时捷汽车>萨博汽车>土星汽车>接穗汽车>智能汽车>斯巴鲁汽车>铃木汽车>丰田汽车>卡车与巴士汽车>大众汽车>沃尔沃汽车>全球汽车经销商的批量销售关>农业股批量销售关>飞机及飞机零件的批量销售关>含酒精饮料的批量销售关>古董批量销售关>服装服饰类股批量销售关>汽车类股批量销售关>美容产品的批量销售关>商业服务类股批量销售关>化学股批量销售关>香烟股票批量销售关>计算机硬件和软件股票的批量销售关>建筑与房地产类股的批量销售关> CPU ,内存,硬盘的批量销售关>桌上型电脑股票批量销售关>电气设备及用品批量销售关>电子零件及用品批量销售关>能源的大量销售关>饮食信息批量销售关>家具及家饰批量销售关>游戏和游戏玩家的批量销售关>礼品,工艺品批量销售关>保健及美容产品的批量销售关>家电产品的批量销售关>家居用品批量关销售>工业用品批量销售关>珠宝,眼镜,手表,批量销售关>笔记型电脑股票的批量销售关>液晶显示器,液晶电视,等离子电视的批量销售关>灯及照明批量销售关>行李,手袋及案件批量过关销售>矿物,金属和材料批量销售关>手机股市批量销售关>的MP3 , MP4等的iPod股票批量销售关>办公用品批量销售关>包装及文件批量销售关>的PDA及掌上型散装销售关>贵金属批量过关销售>印刷及出版批量销售关> “安全与保护的批量销售关>船舶及游艇,零件的批量销售关>体育和娱乐设施的批量销售关>电讯批量销售关>纺织及皮革制品的批量销售关>玩具能源>生物能源>木炭能源>煤炭能源>煤气能源>原油能源>柴油能源>电力能源>能源代理商能源>能源承建商能源>能源项目能源>燃油能源>汽油能源>石墨能源>润滑油能源>天然气能源>其他能源>石蜡能源>石油能源>太阳能和再生能源的能源>的UPS及供电电子元件>声元件电子元件>电容器电子元件>二极管电子元件>双面印刷电路板电子元件>电器陶瓷电子元件>电接触和触头材料的电子元件>电子产品,电子零件>电子的迹象,电子元件>电子代理商电子元件>电子产品的设计与加工,电子零件>电子生产机械电子元件>电子项目,电子元件>电子股,电子零件>过滤器,电子元件>揉性电路板的电子元件>绝缘材料与分子电子元件>集成电路电子元件>键盘&键盘电子元件>液晶显示模块电子元件> LED显示器,电子元件>多层电路板电子元件>振荡器电子元件>其他电子元件>的PCB & pcba电子元件>电位器电子组件>整流器电子元件>电阻器电子元件>谐振器电子元件>硬式印刷电路板电子元件>半导体电子元件>传感器电子元件>单双面电路板,电子零件>晶闸管电子元件>晶体管矿物,金属和材料>铝管道矿物,金属&材料>石棉产品矿物,金属和材料>铸造及伪造的矿物,金属和材料>陶瓷矿物,金属和材料>公司与代理商的矿物,金属和材料>复合管矿物,金属和材料>铜管矿物,金属&材料>铁合金产品与矿物,金属和材料>玻璃矿物,金属和材料>石墨制品矿物,金属和材料>钢锭矿物,金属和材料>钢铁矿物,金属和材料>的铸铁喉管,矿物,金属和材料>石灰矿物,金属和材料>磁性材料矿物,金属和材料>金属矿产矿物,金属和材料>金属加工服务,矿物,金属和材料>金属股矿物,金属和材料>废金属矿物,金属和材料>冶金机械矿物,金属和材料>冶金用品矿物,金属和材料>矿物与金属代理商矿物,金属和材料>矿棉矿物,金属和材料>采矿和冶金工程,矿物,金属和材料>矿山机械矿物,金属和材料>新材料,矿物,金属和材料>非铁金属矿物,金属和材料>非铁金属合金矿物,金属和材料>非铁金属制品矿物,金属和材料>包括非金属矿产矿床矿物,金属和材料>非非金属矿产制品矿物,金属和材料>其他矿物,金属和材料>管与配件矿物,金属和材料>管件矿物,金属和材料>塑料管材的矿物,金属和材料>石英产品,矿物,金属&材料>稀土产品与矿物,金属和材料>耐火矿物,金属和材料>钢管,矿物,金属和材料>铁丝网矿物,金属和材料>硅灰石饮食信息>酒精饮食信息>水产品饮食信息>婴儿食品的饮食信息>豆制品饮食信息>饮料加工机械饮食信息>饮料食品和饮料>面包与饼干饮食信息>罐头食品饮食信息>水果罐头在糖浆饮食信息>水果罐头在水饮食信息>巧克力成分的饮食信息>香烟及烟草饮食信息>糖果及糖果饮食信息>煮食用具,饮食信息>文化,酶和酵母饮食信息>乳制品食品和饮料>食用油脂及油脂食品饮料>蛋制品饮食信息>快餐饮食信息>香料及风味增强剂饮食信息>面粉饮食信息>食品添加剂,食品和饮料>食品配料饮食信息>食品加工食品和饮料>食品加工机械饮食信息>存粮饮食信息>冻结&干果饮食信息>冷冻食品的饮食信息>牙龈及稳定剂饮食信息>保健食品饮食信息>肉类和家禽类食物及饮料>面条饮食信息>营养添加剂饮食信息>其他饮食信息>海食品餐饮>小吃饮食信息>香料和调味品饮食信息>淀粉及衍生物的饮食信息>糖及糖饮食信息>茶叶纺织及皮革制品>腈纶织物纺织及皮革制品>浴袍,纺织品和皮革制品>寝具一套纺织品和皮革制品>毯纺织及皮革制品>地毯,纺织及皮革制品>化学织物的纺织品和皮革制品>棉花浴袍,纺织品和皮革制品>棉织物纺织及皮革制品>棉花纺织材料纺织及皮革制品>拉开帷幕纺织及皮革制品>的余量纺织及皮革制品>牛仔&让织物纺织及皮革制品>刺绣工艺品纺织纺织及皮革制品>羽毛&下跌原料纺织及皮革制品>羊毛浴袍,纺织品和皮革制品>毛皮原料,纺织及皮革制品>灰色面料纺织及皮革制品>家用纺织品产品纺织及皮革制品>工业面料纺织及皮革制品>交织面料纺织及皮革制品>针织布纺织及皮革制品>皮革制品纺织及皮革制品>皮革原料,纺织及皮革制品>亚麻纺织材料,纺织及皮革制品>亚麻/苎麻/大麻纺织及皮革制品>金属化织物纺织及皮革制品>微浴袍,纺织品和皮革制品>非织造布布,纺织及皮革制品>尼龙织物纺织及皮革制品>其他纺织及皮革制品>桃皮肤纺织品和皮革制品>枕头纺织及皮革制品>聚酯及粘胶混纺织物纺织及皮革制品>聚酯浴袍,纺织品和皮革制品>涤纶织物的纺织品和皮革制品>聚丙烯织物纺织及皮革制品>棉被纺织及皮革制品>人造丝纺织品和皮革制品>人造丝织物纺织及皮革制品>地毯&垫子纺织及皮革制品>缎纺织及皮革制品>板&涵盖纺织品&皮革制品>丝绸纺织及皮革制品>丝绸浴袍,纺织品和皮革制品>丝绸纺织材料纺织及皮革制品>氨纶织物的纺织品和皮革制品>弹力织物纺织及皮革制品>人造麂皮织物的纺织品和皮革制品>合成织物的浴袍,纺织品&皮革制品>合成纤维纺织及皮革制品>台布纺织及皮革制品>塔夫绸面料纺织及皮革制品>纺织配件,纺织及皮革制品>纺织代理商纺织及皮革制品>纺织机械及零件纺织及皮革产品>纺织材料纺织品和皮革产品>纺织加工纺织及皮革制品>纺织项目,纺织及皮革制品>纺织股纺织及皮革制品>纺织废料纺织及皮革制品>线程纺织及皮革制品>毛巾与手帕,纺织及皮革制品>毛巾,浴袍,纺织品&皮革制品>纺织装饰纺织品和皮革制品>绒纺织及皮革制品>天鹅绒浴袍,纺织品和皮革制品>粘胶织物的纺织品和皮革制品>羊毛织物的纺织品和皮革制品>羊毛纺织材料纺织及皮革制品>纱线电讯>来电编号电讯>通信电缆电讯>交流电讯>传真机电讯>光纤设备电讯>全球定位系统电讯> 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Sale>Land & Lot Real Estates>For Sale>Restaurant & Cafe Real Estates>For Sale>Villas Real Estates>For Buy>All Other Business &Property Real Estates>For Buy>Apartments Real Estates>For Buy>BB & Guest House Real Estates>For Buy>Business Center Real Estates>For Buy>Casino & Night Club Real Estates>For Buy>Condos Real Estates>For Buy>Homes Real Estates>For Buy>Hotels & Motels Real Estates>For Buy>Land & Lot Real Estates>For Buy>Restaurant & Cafe Real Estates>For Buy>Villas Personals>Match Making&Dating Services Personals>Men Looking For Women Personals>Women Looking For Men Softwares>Audio & Video Softwares>Desktop Softwares>Developer Tools Softwares>Drivers Softwares>Games Softwares>Graphics&Design Softwares>Home & Education Softwares>Internet Tools Softwares>Organize&Business Softwares>Programming Softwares>Screen Savers Softwares>Themes Softwares>Utilities Softwares>Web Design & Programming Companies Softwares>Web Graphics Automobiles>Acura Automobiles>Aston Martin Automobiles>Audi Automobiles>Auto Parts Automobiles>BMW Automobiles>Buick Automobiles>Cadillac Automobiles>Chevrolet Automobiles>Chrysler Automobiles>Dodge Automobiles>Ford Automobiles>GMC Automobiles>Honda Automobiles>Hummer Automobiles>Hyundai Automobiles>Infiniti Automobiles>Isuzu Automobiles>Jaguar Automobiles>Jeep Automobiles>Kia Automobiles>Land Rover Automobiles>Lexus Automobiles>Lincoln Automobiles>Mazda Automobiles>Mercedes-Benz Automobiles>Mercury Automobiles>Mini Automobiles>Mitsubishi Automobiles>Nissan Automobiles>Pontiac Automobiles>Porsche Automobiles>Saab Automobiles>Saturn Automobiles>Scion Automobiles>Smart Automobiles>Subaru Automobiles>Suzuki Automobiles>Toyota Automobiles>Trucks &Buses Automobiles>Volkswagen Automobiles>Volvo Automobiles>Worldwide Auto Dealers Bulk Clearance Sales>Agriculture stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Aircraft & Aircraft Parts Bulk Clearance Sales>Alcoholic Beverages Bulk Clearance Sales>Antiques Bulk Clearance Sales>Apparel & Fashion Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Automobile Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Beauty Products Bulk Clearance Sales>Business Service Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Chemical Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Cigarette Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Computer Hardware & Software Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Construction & Real Estate Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Cpu,Memory,HDD Bulk Clearance Sales>Desktop Computer Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Electrical Equipment & Supplies Bulk Clearance Sales>Electronic Components & Supplies Bulk Clearance Sales>Energy Bulk Clearance Sales>Food & Beverage Bulk Clearance Sales>Furniture & Furnishings Bulk Clearance Sales>Games & Game Players Bulk Clearance Sales>Gifts & Crafts Bulk Clearance Sales>Health & Beauty Bulk Clearance Sales>Home Appliances Bulk Clearance Sales>Home Supplies Bulk Clearance Sales>Industrial Supplies Bulk Clearance Sales>Jewelry, Eyewear,watches Bulk Clearance Sales>Laptop Computer Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>LCD,LCD TV,Plasma TVs Bulk Clearance Sales>Lights & Lighting Bulk Clearance Sales>Luggage, Bags & Cases Bulk Clearance Sales>Minerals, Metals & Materials Bulk Clearance Sales>Mobile Phone Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>MP3,MP4,Ipod Stocks Bulk Clearance Sales>Office Supplies Bulk Clearance Sales>Packaging & Paper Bulk Clearance Sales>PDA&Handhelds Bulk Clearance Sales>Precious Metals Bulk Clearance Sales>Printing & Publishing Bulk Clearance Sales>Security & Protection Bulk Clearance Sales>Ship & Yacht,Parts Bulk Clearance Sales>Sports & Entertainment Bulk Clearance Sales>Telecommunications Bulk Clearance Sales>Textiles & Leather Products Bulk Clearance Sales>Toys Energy>Biodiesel Energy>Charcoal Energy>Coal Energy>Coal Gas Energy>Crude Oil Energy>Diesels Energy>Electricity Energy>Energy Agents Energy>Energy Contractors Energy>Energy Projects Energy>Fuel Oil Energy>gasoline Energy>Graphite Energy>Lubricant Energy>Natural Gas Energy>Others Energy>Paraffin Energy>Petroleum Energy>Solar and Recycling Energy Energy>UPS & Power Supply Electronic Components>Acoustic Components Electronic Components>Capacitors Electronic Components>Diodes Electronic Components>Double-Sided PCB Electronic Components>Electrical Ceramics Electronic Components>Electrical Contacts and Contact Materials Electronic Components>Electronic Products Electronic Components>Electronic Signs Electronic Components>Electronics Agents Electronic Components>Electronics Designing & Processing Electronic Components>Electronics Production Machinery Electronic Components>Electronics Projects Electronic Components>Electronics Stocks Electronic Components>Filters Electronic Components>FPC Electronic Components>Insulation Materials & Elements Electronic Components>Integrated Circuits Electronic Components>Keypads & Keyboards Electronic Components>LCD Modules Electronic Components>LED Displays Electronic Components>Multilayer PCB Electronic Components>Oscillators Electronic Components>Others Electronic Components>PCB & PCBA Electronic Components>Potentiometers Electronic Components>Rectifiers Electronic Components>Resistors Electronic Components>Resonators Electronic Components>Rigid PCB Electronic Components>Semiconductors Electronic Components>Sensors Electronic Components>Single-Sided PCB Electronic Components>Thyristors Electronic Components>Transistors Minerals, Metals & Materials>Aluminum Pipes Minerals, Metals & Materials>Asbestos Products Minerals, Metals & Materials>Cast & Forged Minerals, Metals & Materials>Ceramics Minerals, Metals & Materials>Companies & Agents Minerals, Metals & Materials>Composite Pipes Minerals, Metals & Materials>Copper Pipes Minerals, Metals & Materials>Ferroalloy & Products Minerals, Metals & Materials>Glass Minerals, Metals & Materials>Graphite Products Minerals, Metals & Materials>Ingot Minerals, Metals & Materials>Iron & Steel Minerals, Metals & Materials>Iron Pipes Minerals, Metals & Materials>Lime Minerals, Metals & Materials>Magnetic Materials Minerals, Metals & Materials>Metal Mineral Minerals, Metals & Materials>Metal Processing Service Minerals, Metals & Materials>Metal Stocks Minerals, Metals & Materials>Metal Waste Minerals, Metals & Materials>Metallurgy Machinery Minerals, Metals & Materials>Metallurgy Supplies Minerals, Metals & Materials>Mineral & Metals Agents Minerals, Metals & Materials>Mineral Wool Minerals, Metals & Materials>Mining and Metallurgy Projects Minerals, Metals & Materials>Mining Machinery Minerals, Metals & Materials>New Materials Minerals, Metals & Materials>Non-ferrous Metal Minerals, Metals & Materials>Non-ferrous Metal Alloy Minerals, Metals & Materials>Non-ferrous Metal Products Minerals, Metals & Materials>Non-metallic Mineral Deposit Minerals, Metals & Materials>Non-metallic Mineral Products Minerals, Metals & Materials>Others Minerals, Metals & Materials>Pipe & Fittings Minerals, Metals & Materials>Pipe Fittings Minerals, Metals & Materials>Plastic Pipes Minerals, Metals & Materials>Quartz Products Minerals, Metals & Materials>Rare Earth & Products Minerals, Metals & Materials>Refractory Minerals, Metals & Materials>Steel Pipes Minerals, Metals & Materials>Wire Mesh Minerals, Metals & Materials>Wollastonite Food & Beverage>Alcohol Food & Beverage>Aquatic Products Food & Beverage>Baby Food Food & Beverage>Bean Products Food & Beverage>Beverage Processing Machinery Food & Beverage>Beverages Food & Beverage>Bread & Biscuit Food & Beverage>Canned Food Food & Beverage>Canned Fruit in syrup Food & Beverage>Canned Fruit in water Food & Beverage>Chocolate Ingredients Food & Beverage>Cigarette & Tobacco Food & Beverage>Confectionery & Candy Food & Beverage>Cooking Equipment Food & Beverage>Cultures, Enzymes & Yeast Food & Beverage>Dairy Products Food & Beverage>Edible Fats & Oils Food & Beverage>Egg Products Food & Beverage>Fast-Food Food & Beverage>Flavors & Flavor Enhancers Food & Beverage>Flour Food & Beverage>Food Additives Food & Beverage>Food Ingredients Food & Beverage>Food Processing Food & Beverage>Food Processing Machinery Food & Beverage>Food Stocks Food & Beverage>Frozen & Dried Fruit Food & Beverage>Frozen Food Food & Beverage>Gums & Stabilizers Food & Beverage>Health Food Food & Beverage>Meat & Poultry Food & Beverage>Noodles Food & Beverage>Nutrient Additives Food & Beverage>Others Food & Beverage>Sea Foods Food & Beverage>Snacks Food & Beverage>Spices & Seasonings Food & Beverage>Starch & Derivatives Food & Beverage>Sugar & Sweeteners Food & Beverage>Tea Textiles & Leather Products>Acrylic Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Bedding Set Textiles & Leather Products>Blanket Textiles & Leather Products>Carpet Textiles & Leather Products>Chemical Fabrics Textiles & Leather Products>Cotton Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Cotton Fabrics Textiles & Leather Products>Cotton Textile Materials Textiles & Leather Products>Curtain Textiles & Leather Products>Cushion Textiles & Leather Products>Denim & Jean Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Embroidery & Crafts Textile Textiles & Leather Products>Feather & Down Raw Materials Textiles & Leather Products>Fleece Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Fur Raw Materials Textiles & Leather Products>Grey Fabrics Textiles & Leather Products>Household Textile Product Textiles & Leather Products>Industrial Fabrics Textiles & Leather Products>Interwoven Fabrics Textiles & Leather Products>Knitting Fabrics Textiles & Leather Products>Leather Products Textiles & Leather Products>Leather Raw Materials Textiles & Leather Products>Linen Textile Materials Textiles & Leather Products>Linen/Ramie/Hemp Textiles & Leather Products>Metallized Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Microfiber Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Non-woven Cloth Textiles & Leather Products>Nylon Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Others Textiles & Leather Products>Peach Skin Textiles & Leather Products>Pillow Textiles & Leather Products>Polyester & Viscose Blend Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Polyester Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Polyester Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Polypropylene Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Quilt Textiles & Leather Products>Rayon Textiles & Leather Products>Rayon Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Rug & Mat Textiles & Leather Products>Satin Textiles & Leather Products>Sheet & Cover Textiles & Leather Products>Silk Textiles & Leather Products>Silk Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Silk Textile Materials Textiles & Leather Products>Spandex Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Stretch Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Suede Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Synthetic Fabric Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Synthetic Fibres Textiles & Leather Products>Table Cloth Textiles & Leather Products>Taffeta Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Textile Accessories Textiles & Leather Products>Textile Agents Textiles & Leather Products>Textile Machinery & Parts Textiles & Leather Products>Textile Materials Textiles & Leather Products>Textile Processing Textiles & Leather Products>Textile Projects Textiles & Leather Products>Textile Stocks Textiles & Leather Products>Textile Waste Textiles & Leather Products>Thread Textiles & Leather Products>Towel & Handkerchief Textiles & Leather Products>Towel Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Upholstery Textile Textiles & Leather Products>Velvet Textiles & Leather Products>Velvet Bathrobes Textiles & Leather Products>Viscose Fabric Textiles & Leather Products>Wool Fabrics Textiles & Leather Products>Wool Textile Materials Textiles & Leather Products>Yarn Telecommunications>Caller ID Telecommunications>Communication Cables Telecommunications>Exchanges Telecommunications>Fax Machines Telecommunications>Fiber Optic Equipment Telecommunications>GPS Telecommunications>Interphones Telecommunications>Lithium Batteries, Nickel Hydride Batteries, Telecommunications>Mobile Phone Accessories Telecommunications>Mobile Phone Batteries Telecommunications>Mobile Phone Parts Telecommunications>Mobile Phones Telecommunications>Network Communications Telecommunications>Others Telecommunications>Phone Cards Telecommunications>Radar & Assembly Telecommunications>Radio & TV Broadcasting Telecommunications>RF/Microwave/Wireless Component & Assembly Telecommunications>Switchboard Telecommunications>Telecom Parts Telecommunications>Telephones & Parts Telecommunications>Video Phones & Parts Telecommunications>Wireless Communication Telecommunications>Wireless Networking Equipment Telecommunications>Wireless Phone/Radio & System Wanted & Demands>Agriculture Wanted & Demands>All others Wanted & Demands>Automobiles & Parts Wanted & Demands>Bulk Clearance Stocks Wanted & Demands>Business & Industrial Wanted & Demands>Chemicals Wanted & Demands>Computers & Parts Wanted & Demands>Construction Wanted & Demands>Consumer Electronics Wanted & Demands>Electrical Equipment & Supplies Wanted & Demands>Electronic Components Wanted & Demands>Energy Wanted & Demands>Fashion Accessories Wanted & Demands>Food & Beverage Wanted & Demands>Furniture & Furnishings Wanted & Demands>Gifts & Crafts Wanted & Demands>Health & Beauty Wanted & Demands>Home & Garden Wanted & Demands>Home Appliances Wanted & Demands>Jewelry & Watches Wanted & Demands>Laptops &Notebooks Wanted & Demands>Lights & Lighting Wanted & Demands>Luggage, Bags & Cases Wanted & Demands>Minerals, Metals & Materials Wanted & Demands>Mobile Phones &Parts Wanted & Demands>Office Supplies Wanted & Demands>Packaging & Paper Wanted & Demands>PDA & Handheld Wanted & Demands>Printing & Publishing Wanted & Demands>Real Estates & Property Wanted & Demands>Security & Protection Wanted & Demands>Shoes & Accessories Wanted & Demands>Softwares Wanted & Demands>Telecommunications Wanted & Demands>Textiles & Leather Products Wanted & Demands>Toys Posted After - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 / - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 / - 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 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PROFESSIONAL COMMENT----ATA Business Guide 专业评论----阿拉木图业务指南
ATA is a Hongkong-based company specializing in corporate formation, management and planning.阿拉木图是香港为基础的公司,专门从事企业的形成,管理和规划。 ATA services range from consultation to commercial investment portfolio design and information technology , catering for the need of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) that desire to invest in around the world.阿拉木图的服务范围从谘询,以商业的投资组合,设计和信息技术业,饮食业,为有需要的小型及中型的企业(中小企业)的投资意欲在世界各地。 ATA also advise investors as to where to invest, how to invest and when to make profit.阿拉木图也提醒投资者,以到何处投资,如何投资时,赚取利润。 ATA ‘s tailor-made services are as follows:阿拉木图奇摩度身定造的服务如下:
1. 1 。 Hong Kong corporate formation and Follow-up 香港企业的形成和后续行动 Hong Kong company registration is popular nowadays among the world, simply because Hongkong has its own unique advantages.香港公司注册的是流行的今天跻身世界,只是因为香港有自己独特的优势。 Hong Kong company registration is different from offshore company registration.香港公司注册是不同的离岸公司注册。 In Hong Kong, ATA provids corporate formation, bank-opening assistance, legal secretariat service, commercial secretariat service, annual return to the Companies Registry and Inland Revenue Department, Tax layout, shareholder nominee, commercial follow-up, etc. ATA also provides plenty ready-made companies, known also as shelf-companies for your urgent use, Hong Kong company registration hotline: 852-27837818,在香港,阿拉木图provids企业的形成,银行开放的援助,法律服务的秘书处,秘书处的商业服务,每年回报向公司注册处和税务局,税务布局,股东提名,商业的后续行动等的ATA还提供了大量准备了公司,众所周知,也作为货架公司为您的紧急使用,香港公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
2. 2 。 China company registration and Follow-up 中国公司注册和后续行动 ATA is able to provide corporate formation, management in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Quanzhou, and the other main cities around China.阿拉木图是能够提供企业的形成,管理在上海,北京,深圳,广州,成都,泉州,和其他主要城市周围的中国。 The forms of businesses in China could be wholly foreign funded company(WFOE), a representative office(RO), a joint venture(JV).形式在中国的业务,可完全的外商投资公司( wfoe ) ,设立代表办事处(反渗透) ,合资企业(合资企业) 。 ATA provides tailor-made consulting portfolio and one-stop investing follow-up: Market research and feasibility study; Assistance in finding office space; Introducing possible joint-venture partners; Attending to corporate and personal tax registration; Staff Recruitment; Book keeping and auditing.In China the registered capital is much higher than overseas’, and should be paid-up within the time limit.阿拉木图提供量身定作咨询的投资组合和一站式投资的后续行动:市场研究和可行性研究;援助在寻找办公空间;尽可能引进合资合作伙伴;出席,以公司及个人税务登记;招聘员工;预订保持和审计。在中国的注册资本是远远高于海外' ,并应支付的跟进与时间限制。 The lease for office space must be provided.租赁写字楼必须提供。 You don’t have to go and sign the bank document when opening bank account.你不用去,并签署银行文件时,开立银行帐户。 China company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272中国公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
3. 3 。 Shenzhen company registration China Corporate formation 深圳公司注册中国企业的形成 Shenzhen has been regarded as one of the best business cities, where one can come across lots of business opportunities.深圳已被视为一个最佳的商业城市,其中一人可以接触到大量的商业机会。 Shenzhen is bordering Hong Kong and shares the advantages of the twin cities simultanously.深圳是接壤的香港及股票的优点,双城市simultanously 。 Shenzhen Netprofit Tas could be as low as 15%, the lowest rate in China.深圳netprofit教师评审制,可低至15 % ,最低的利率在中国。 Shenzhen company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272深圳公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
4. 4 。 Beijing corporate formation China company registration 北京企业形成中国公司注册 Beijing is the capital city of China, Beijing, China’s administrative and cultural centre.北京是首都,中国,北京,中国的行政和文化中心。 now draws the attention from the world of investors.现在提请注意,从世界的投资者。 Any foreign investors are welcome to invest in Beijing.任何外国投资者欢迎的投资在北京举行。 Beijing company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-10-58673306 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com.北京公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-10-58673306 www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
5. 5 。 Shanghai corporate formation China Company registration 上海企业形成中国公司注册 Shanghai is the industrial, commercial, financial centre of China, it is the most outward-looking city.上海是工业,商业,金融中心的中国,这是最向外看的城市。 It is also the busiest cargo port in the world.这也是最繁忙的货运港口在世界上。 In Shanghai many preferential policies are carried out to stimulate foreign investment.在上海许多优惠政策进行,以刺激外国投资。 ATA has the whole set of investment portfolio for reference.阿拉木图有一整套的投资组合,以供参考。 Shanghai company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-21-58763186上海公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-21-58763186 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: hkcfm_shanghai@hotmail.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: hkcfm_shanghai@hotmail.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
6. 6 。 Guangzhou company registration China Corporate formation 广州公司注册中国企业的形成 Guangzhou is the capital city of Guangdong province of the PRC China, The Guangzhou Trade Fair takes place twice here.广州是首都广东省,中华人民共和国中国,广州交易会发生两次在这里。 Guangdong’s manufacturing economy is the largest in China and accounts for one-third of the country’s total trade.广东的制造业为主的经济体系是世界上最大的在中国和决算的三份之一,该国的贸易总额。 ATA has two offices in Guangzhou, assisting foreign investors to set up their businesses here.阿拉木图有两个办事处,在广州,协助外国投资者设立的企业在这里。 Guangzhou company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-20-87550061广州公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-20-87550061 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
7. 7 。 Yiwu company registration in Zhejiang Province China 义乌公司注册在浙江省中国 Yiwu is well known and honored as “Expo that Never Drop the curtain” by foreign customers; It is an international trade city, famous for its varied small commodities for daily use.义乌市是众所周知的,而且荣幸作为“世博会从来没有放弃帷幕”由国外客户;这是一个国际商贸城,以其多样的小型商品的日常使用。 the daily customers reach 40,000 and 5,000 of which are foreign customers, the export rate of commodities is above 60%, more than 95% of the booths accept foreign trade business and the commodities are exported to over 200 countries and regions.每天的顾客达到40000和5000 ,其中有国外客户,出口率的商品是60 %以上, 95 %以上的展位接受外贸业务和商品出口到200多个国家和地区。 ATA has its offices in Yiwu providing business set-up and trade assistance.阿拉木图有其办事处,在义乌市提供业务的设立和贸易援助。 Yiwu company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-579-85206707义乌公司注册热线: 852-27837818 , 86-579-85206707 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
8. 8 。 Macao company registration Macao Corporate formation 澳门公司注册澳门公司成立 Macao is a very open and commercial city with sound geographical position and perfect infrastructures.澳门是一个非常开放和商业城市,与良好的地理位置和完善的基础设施。 Macao always carries out simple and low tax, low cost for administration.澳门一直进行低税率和简单税制,成本低,为政府当局。 Corporate income tax is 15% at most, In Macao you can either register local company or offshore company according to your need.企业所得税是15 % ,最多在澳门,您可以注册的本地公司或离岸公司,根据您的需要。 Macao company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272澳门公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
9. 9 。 BVI company registration Corporate formation in British Virgin Islands 英属维尔京群岛公司注册公司形成在英属维尔京群岛 British Virgin Islands(BVI) is an all-time favorite offshore jurisdiction.英属维尔京群岛(英属维尔京群岛)是一个全时间最喜爱的海外司法管辖区。 In spite of many on-going legislative changes, professional intermediaries and instant worldwide recognition as an offshore jurisdiction maintain BVI as a top choice.尽管有许多关于正在进行的立法改革,专业中介机构和即时全球承认作为一个离岸管辖范围内保持英属维尔京群岛作为首选。 BVI is politically very stable, and therefore provide investors with an ideal context for trade and business.英属维尔京群岛是政治上非常稳定,因此为投资者提供一个理想的背景下,为贸易和商业。 BVI have sound a financial and juristic framework.英属维尔京群岛有健全的金融和法律框架。 Investors can set up a financial organization easily.投资者可以成立一个金融组织很容易。 BVI boasts its privacy protection for shareholders and low tax rate.英属维尔京群岛拥有其隐私保护股东及低税率。 BVI company bank accounts can be opened anywhere around the world. BVI公司的银行帐户可以打开世界任何地方。 ATA will help in your corporate formation in BVI and management, and assures you tailor-made services for your needs.阿拉木图将有助于在您的企业在英属维尔京群岛的形成和管理,向你保证,量身定作的服务,为您的需求。 BVI company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272英属维尔京群岛注册公司热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
10. 10 。 Samoa company registration Samoa Corporate formation 萨摩亚公司注册萨摩亚公司形成 Samoa is a modern and gaining popularity offshore jurisdiction offering a number of advantages for the international investor wishing to incorporate in the Western Pacific.Samoa, previously known as Western Samoa, is a group of nine islands situated in the South Pacific, east of the International Date Line.萨摩亚是一个现代和日益普及的境外管辖地提供了一些优势,为国际投资者希望把在西部pacific.samoa ,以前称为西萨摩亚,是一组9群岛坐落在南太平洋,东亚的国际日期变更线。 Its capital is Apia and with a population of around 170,000.其首都是阿皮亚和与人口约为17.0万。 Companies registered in Samo have their own varied privileges.公司注册在samo有自己不同的特权。 The government protect the privacy of enterprises, the information of directors are kept confidential.政府保护隐私的企业,信息的董事保密。 One notable advantage it has over BVI is that Chinese names are permitted and can be shown on the Certificate of Incorporation.一个显着的优势,它拥有超过英属维尔京群岛的是,中文名称是允许和可以显示在注册证书。 In addition, Chinese M & A can also be printed.在此外,中国并购也可以印刷。 There is no limit for the scope of business and amount of registered capital.是没有限制的,为的业务范围和数额的注册资本。 Samoa company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272萨摩亚公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。 11. 11 。 Other Offshore company registrations with ATA 其他离岸公司注册带ATA Other popular places for establishing offshore companies include Cayman, Bermuda, Seychelles, Angular, Labuan and Brunei.其他深受欢迎的地方,为建立离岸公司,包括开曼群岛,百慕达,塞舌尔,角,纳闽岛和文莱。 Companies established in such places are exempt taxes, and enjoy a high degree of privacy protection.公司建立了在这些地方免征的税收,享有高度的隐私保护。 Capital flow and contact with companies of the rest of the world are easily facilitated.资本的流动和接触公司的世界其余地区很容易提供便利。 Other Offshore company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com.其他离岸公司注册热线: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
12. 12 。 UK Company registration in the The United Kingdom Corporate formation 英国公司注册,在联合王国企业的形成 The UK is one of the biggest foreign exchange markets and international insurance centers, and also one of the largest financial and trade centers around the globe.英国是其中一个最大的外汇市场和国际保险中心,也是其中一个最大的金融和贸易中心遍布全球。 On account of her strong economy, more and more investors are paying much attention to the UK to achieve their success in business.考虑到她的强大的经济,越来越多的投资者都十分重视,英国,以实现其业务成功与否。 UK company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272英国公司注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
13. 13 。 Delaware company registration USA Corporate formation 特拉华州公司注册美国公司成立 Companies of paramount interest to offshore investors are the Corporation and the Limited Liability Company (LLC).公司具有至高无上的利益,海外投资者是该公司与有限责任公司( LLC公司) 。 LLCs are a hybrid of a Corporation and a Partnership, sharing the same features as a Corporation but they may also choose to be taxed as a corporation, partnership or trust. llcs是一种混合的一个公司和伙伴关系,分享相同的功能作为一个公司,但他们也可以选择征税作为一个公司,合伙或信托。 There is no income state tax for Delaware Corporations or LLCs that do not conduct business in the US.有没有收入,国家税收,为特拉华州公司或llcs不开展业务,在美国。 Delaware company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272特拉华州注册公司热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
14. 14 。 Overseas company registration Overseas Corporate Formation 海外公司注册 海外公司形成 Other popular overseas companies include those in Malaysia, Holland, Singapore, France, Italy, Korea, and Japan.其他受欢迎的海外公司包括那些在马来西亚,荷兰,新加坡,法国,意大利,韩国和日本。 Companies in these places enjoy economic advantages and commercial compatibility, facilitating international trade, and providing a better corporate brand image.公司在这些地方享有的经济优势和商业的兼容性,促进国际贸易,并提供一个更好的公司品牌形象。 Capital flow and conducting business with the rest of the world are also easy.资本流动和开展业务,与世界其余地区也并非易事。 Overseas corporate formation.海外企业的形成。 Overseas company registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272海外公司注册热线: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
15. 15 。 Assisting in Bank Account Opening 协助在银行开立账户 After a company has been set up, ATA will assist in the opening and administration of local or offshore bank accounts for the companies you have established in your destinated country.之后,公司已成立,阿拉木图将协助在开放和管理本地或离岸银行帐户为公司您已建立的在您的destinated国家。 Before opening a bank account, the following should be taken into account: 1 what is the local bank account & offshore bank account ; 2.之前,开设银行帐户,下列应考虑到: 1是什么地方的银行帐户及离岸银行帐户; 2 。 how many types of bank account are available?有多少类型的银行帐户可供选择? 3. 3 。 Who will sign the bank documents upon opening the account and who will follow up?谁将签署银行文件后,打开了谁的帐户,并会跟进? 4. 4 。 what kind of documents are required?什么样的需要的文件呢? 5 how much should be deposited into the bank account?五多少应存入银行帐户? 6. 6 。 How Long does it take to open a bank account?需时多久开设一个银行帐户? ATA helps you not only in opening a bank account, but also in following up the bank documents arising from business formalities.阿拉木图帮助您不仅在开设银行帐户,而且在跟进银行文件所带来的业务手续。 Opening bank account.开放的银行帐户。 Assisting in Bank Account Opening hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272协助在银行开立账户热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
16. 16 。 Companies Statutory Secretary and Nominee Services 公司的法定秘书及代理人服务 In order to fulfill the legal obligations of the company and ensure that basic routines are carried out.在为了履行的法律义务,该公司并确保基本套路进行。 Company statutory secretary and nominee directors or shareholders are mandatory in many registration jurisdictions.公司的法定秘书和提名董事或股东是强制性的,在许多司法管辖区注册。 Company secretaries’ duties include reporting to the Registrar of Companies on the structure of the company and any major personnel changes; they are also to prepare for the Board's meeting agenda and the annual general meeting of shareholders of the relevant statutory regulations.公司秘书的职责,包括向公司注册处处长对结构的公司和任何重大的人事变动;他们也准备理事会的会议议程和年度股东大会的有关法律法规。 Providing a comprehensive range of offshore trustee and corporate services including the provision of nominee directors and shareholders.提供一系列全面的境外受托人和企业的服务,包括提供提名董事和股东。 Companies Statutory Secretary and Nominee Services hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272公司的法定秘书及代理人服务热线: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
17. 17 。 Commercial Secretariat Services and follow-up 商业秘书处服务和后续行动 Secretarial services are very flexible and tailor-made according to your requirements.秘书服务是非常灵活的和度身定造,根据您的要求。 A friendly, efficient team of professionals carries out all the work.友好,高效率的专业团队进行的各项工作。 But it is not always possible to hire somebody to work full time in such capacity.但它并非总是可能有人要聘请全职工作,在这种能力。 Our employees take pride in their work and aim to offer you a service that is second to none.我们的员工感到自豪,在他们的工作和宗旨,为您提供服务,这是第二首屈一指的。 This service is provided at a reasonable price and this leaves you at liberty to concentrate on other things.这项服务是提供一个合理的价钱,这让你们自由地专注于其他事情。 It is particularly suitable for clients who expect a high degree of professionalism and privacy.这是特别适合为客户谁预期高度的专业知识和隐私。 Secretarial services include: administrative support and commercial assistance, Telephone Answering, L/C Processing, Customs Declaration, Certificate of Origin, International Local Transfer for Goods, Barcode Application, Exhibition Booth Reservation, Hourly Service Office Rental Car Rental Service Goods Vehicle Hire Trading Guide and Formalities Follow-up Goods and Money Transferred .秘书服务,包括:行政上的支持和商业援助,电话接听,升/炭处理,海关申报,原产地证书,国际地方转移货物,条码的应用,展位预订,每小时服务办公室出租租车服务货车租用交易指南和手续的后续行动的货物和金钱转移。 Commercial Secretariat Services hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272商业秘书处服务热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
18. 18 。 Annual Returns to Local Governments 周年申报表给地方政府 Annual return must be done for all companies every financial year.年度回报率必须做的所有公司的每一个财政年度。 ATA will renew your companies worldwide by preparing the annual return documents and follow up matters arising from doing so.阿拉木图将更新您的公司在全球准备周年申报表,文件和后续事项所产生的这样做。 Annual Returns hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com.周年申报表的热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。 19. 19 。 Accountancy Bookkeeping, Auditing, Tax Layout & Tax Return 会计 簿记,审计,税务布局及报税 Tax return is an important aspect which can not be ignored by enterprises.报税的一个重要方面就是不能忽视的企业。 In terms of non-offshore company, zero tax return can be carried out, or do formal tax return after appropriate book-keeping and auditing.在条款的非离岸公司,零报税可以进行,或做正式的报税表后,适当的图书保存和审计。 ATA not only offers basic services like book-keeping, accounting management, auditing, and tax return, but also provides strategic and operational financial planning, tax analyses and tax layouts according to the financial and economic context.阿拉木图不仅提供基本的服务,如图书保管,会计管理,审计,报税,而且还提供了战略和业务的财务规划,税收分析和税收布局根据财政和经济背景。 Accountancy hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272会计热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
20. 20 。 Other Follow-Up Services 其他后续服务 ATA also offers such services as changing shareholders, changing a board director, increasing capital, changing name, liquidation and and striking off.阿拉木图还提供这类服务的转变,作为股东,变更董事,增加资本,改变名称,清算和打击小康。 Other Follow-Up Services hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272其他后续服务热线: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
21. 21 。 Design of Trade Name, Trademark and Logo 设计商标名称,商标和徽标 ATA’s strong team of professional designers cater for your needs for the design of trade name, trademark and the distinguished logo.阿拉木图的强大的团队的专业设计师迎合您的需要为设计商标名称,商标和尊敬的标志。 ATA adds value into the this design, which you will be proud of, and the value increases as the enterprise developes.阿拉木图增加价值,到这个设计,您会感到自豪,和价值增加,作为企业研制。 Design of trade name hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272设计商标名称热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
22. 22 。 Trademark Trademark Registration 商标 商标注册 ATA Intellectual Property Service provides professional intellectual property registration and brand operation consultation service in line with corporate strategies especially for SMEs.阿拉木图知识产权服务,提供专业的知识产权注册和品牌经营的谘询服务,在符合公司战略,特别是中小型企业。 First, an application for registration of a trademark must be filed with the appropriate national or regional trademark offices.第一,申请商标注册,必须提交相应的国家或地区的商标办事处。 The application must contain a clear reproduction of the sign filed for registration, ATA’s trademark regestrations include Hong Kong trademark registration, Chnia trademark registration, French trademark registration, Madrid trademark , European union trademark , Italy Trademark , Germany trademark, USA trademark registration, Korea Trademark, Japan Trademark, Canada trademark registration and other countries trademark registration.申请必须包含一个明确的复制标志申请注册,阿拉木图的商标regestrations包括香港商标注册, chnia商标注册,法国商标注册,马德里商标,欧盟商标,意大利商标,德国商标,美国商标注册,韩国商标,日本商标,加拿大商标注册和其他国家的商标注册。 Trademark registration hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272商标注册热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
23. 23 。 Patent 专利 Inventions and know-how: Inventions are typically an apparatus, a product or a manufacturing process.发明和技术诀窍:发明是典型的仪器,一个产品或制造过程中。 Often they can be monopolised by means of patents, but that is by no means always the case.他们往往可以垄断手段的专利,但绝不是总是如此。 Commercial success in exploiting an idea or using know-hows to create opportunities requires well informed legal advices.商业上的成功在开拓一个想法或使用知识hows创造机会,需要了解有关的法律意见。 This is the service ATA aims to provide.这是服务的ATA ,旨在提供。 ATA patents’ licensing, transfer, and litigation.阿拉木图的专利许可,转让和诉讼。 Patent application hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272专利申请热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
24. 24 。 Copyright 版权 COPYRIGHT: Copyright is a form of intellectual property.版权:版权是一种形式的知识产权。 Copyright protects creative output such as books, poems, pictures, drawings, music, films, etc. Any work which can be recorded in some way can be protected by copyright, as long as it is original and of sufficient length.版权保护创意的输出,如书籍,诗歌,图片,绘画,音乐,电影等的任何工作可以记录在以某种方式可以受到版权保护,只要是原,并有足够的长度。 Copyright does not cover short phrases or names.版权并不包括短期词组或名称。 Copyright application hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com.版权申请热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。 25. 25 。 ISSN – International Standard Serial Number 的ISSN -国际标准序号 For promoting Cultural business, especially corporate culture, ATA can help companies to apply for ISBN and ISSN, as long as the related documents provided by.为推动文化业务,特别是企业文化,阿拉木图,可以帮助企业申请国际标准书号和的ISSN ,只要把相关文件所提供的。 Any Hong Kong companies or publishers are eligible to apply for ISBN and ISSN.任何香港公司或出版商有资格申请国际标准书号和的ISSN 。 An ISSN is an eight-digit number which identifies periodical publications as such, including electronic serials.一的ISSN是一个8位数的号码,其中确定了定期出版物等,包括电子期刊。 More than one million ISSN numbers have so far been assigned.超过一百万的ISSN号码至今已被指派。 It is managed by a world wide network of 83 National Centres coordinated by an International Centre.它是由一个世界的广泛网络83国家协调中心由一个国际中心的地位。 ISSN application hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272的ISSN申请热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
26 ISBN- International Standard Book Number 26日国际标准书号-国际标准图书编号 ISBN (The International Standard Book Number) is a 10-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally.国际标准书号(国际标准图书编号)是一个10位数的号码,唯一识别的书籍和图书一样,产品在国际上发表。 The purpose of ISBN is to establish and identify one title or edition of a title from one specific publisher and is unique to that edition, allowing for more efficient marketing of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors.的目的,国际标准书号是建立和确定一个标题或版的标题从一个具体的出版商和独特的是这一版,让更多的高效的营销产品的书店,图书馆,大学,批发商和分销商。 ISBN application hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272国际标准书号的应用热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
27. 27 。 Shelf Professional Portfolio Solution for Strategic Development 大陆架的专业组合解决方案为发展战略 To meet the development requirements and help enterprises develop steadily, ATA works out a series of portfolio for the development of enterprises.为满足发展的要求和帮助企业稳步发展,阿拉木图的工程了一系列的投资组合,为企业的发展。 The portfolio is composed by an HRM portfolio(which can be used in HONGKONG, China and England), financial and taxation portfolio(which can be used in HONGKONG, China and America), marketing and selling planning portfolio, strategy planning portfolio, offshore company operation portfolio, capital operating and managment portfolio.该组合是由一人力资源管理的投资组合(可用于在香港,中国和英格兰) ,财政和税收组合(可用于在香港,中国和美国) ,营销和销售规划投资组合,战略规划的投资组合,离岸公司投资组合的运作,资本经营和管理的投资组合。 Welcome to use.欢迎市民使用。 .Senior consultation services (planning and consulting). 。高级谘询服务(规划及咨询) 。 ATA—Solution-orientated.阿拉木图-解决方案为主。 Shelf Professional Portfolio hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com.大陆架的专业组合,热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
28. 28 。 Financial Planning Tax Layout for enterprises 财务规划 税布局的企业 Financial planning is an essential part in enterprise development.财务规划是必不可少的一部分,在企业的发展。 Successful financial planning can help enterprises broaden sources of income, reduce expenditure, and develop steadily.成功的财务规划,可以帮助企业拓宽了收入来源,减少支出,并稳步发展。 A financial planning includes a finance budget, financial analysis, framework layout, account rationalization, tax layout or tax arrangment, enterprise internal review, and promotion of the achievement of enterprise development targets in a fair, reasonable and legal way.一财务规划,包括财务预算,财务分析,框架布局,帐户的合理化,税收的布局或税务安排,企业内部检讨,并促进实现企业发展目标,在一个公平,合理,合法的方式。 Financial Planning hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272财务规划热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。 29. 29 。 Notarization and Legalization 公证及合法化 Enterprises that intend to invest in mainland China are required to notarize or legalize their companies before setting up their business in China.企业打算投资于中国大陆,须公证或合法化,他们的公司成立之前,他们在中国的业务。 ATA offers a one stop professional service worldwide by providing you with CERTIFIED TRUE COPIES by CPA, NOTARIZATION OR LEGALIZATION by lawyers ,INCUMBENCY PAPERS by authorized agents and GOOD STANDING by relevant governments.阿拉木图提供了一个一站式的专业服务,在全世界为您提供核证无误的副本由注册会计师,公证或合法化的律师,任职文件,由授权代理商和良好的信誉,由有关国家的政府。 These legal documents should be endorsed by the local Chinese embassy or consulate.这些法律文件,应通过当地的中国大使馆或领事馆。 Notarization hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272公证热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。
30. 30 。 Visa work permit Advice 签证工作许可证的意见 Foreign investors who want to work in Hong Kong or China must get a visa and work permit beforehand.外国投资者谁不想工作在香港或中国必须获得签证和工作许可证,事前。 Foreign experts who are going to work in China must have obtained a "Work Permit of Foreign Individual to Work in China".外国专家,谁去在中国的工作,必须取得“工作许可证的外国个人在中国的工作” 。 Foreigners without this Permit will not be employed.外国人没有这个许可证,将不得雇用。 Foreign individuals who are applying to work in China should observe Chinese rules and regulations, be healthy, have no criminal record, and conform to the conditions required by the local government.外国个人谁是适用于在中国工作应遵守中国的规则和规例,健康,无犯罪记录,并符合所要求的条件,当地政府。 work permit Advice hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272工作许可证的意见,热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。 31. 31 。 Immigration Advice 入境事务处意见 ATA provides a one-stop professional service of Hongkong investment immigration and immigration advice to Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA.阿拉木图提供了一个一站式的专业服务,香港投资移民和移民的意见,到新加坡,马来西亚,澳大利亚,加拿大,英国和美国。 Immigration Advice hotline: 852-27837818, 86-755-82143272入境事务咨询热线电话: 852-27837818 , 86-755-82143272 www.company-registry.net www.ata-cfm.net email: atahkhk@21cn.com. www.company - registry.net www.ata - cfm.net电子邮件: atahkhk@21cn.com 。 Click here for more.点击这里来了解更多。 If you would like to have further information on any of our services, please do not hesitate to contact us through our hotlines: 852-27837818 (Hong Kong) or 86-755-82143272(China) Or, for the latest news relating to the offshore industry, please refer to our newsletters section.如果您想有进一步的资料,关于我们的任何服务,请不要犹豫与我们联系,通过我们的热线电话: 852-27837818 (香港)或86-755-82143272 (中国) ,或为最新消息涉及到离岸业,请参阅我们的通讯节。
ATA---Professional and Worldwide 阿拉木图---专业及全球


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常青藤http://www.tonghua.com.cn你好网络http://www.nihao.ne 若比邻http://www.robot.com.cn 搜索天下网http://www.sogowang.com 香港世页http://www.ipoinc.com.hk 凯希搜索http://www.kaixi.net 瑞得在线-看中国http://www.readchina.com 金桥导航http://search.scgb.com 1608搜索引擎http:// 视讯中文http://www.gdcatv.com.cn china168http://www.china168.com 指南针http://compass.net.edu.cn 搜索客http://www.cseek.com 中国网站元亨搜索http://www.chinasite.net   繁体中文搜索引擎薯藤http://www.yam.com.tw/  简体中文、繁体中文和英文三个版本。提供类目搜索、网站检索、全文检索、直接到达、BBS搜寻功能。支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文和数字关键词搜索。分类科学,类目设置较好。网站检索结果数量较多,精确度一般,以台湾香港网站为主,网站提要简明扼要。全文检索收录不够丰富。直接到达功能不够强。 BBS搜寻有类目检索,还有讨论群、全部、标题、作者、内文、来源以及时间等选项查询。有新站、酷站、热门站等目录。 哇塞 http://china.whatsite.com/  简体中文、繁体中文和英文三个版本。提供类目搜索、网站检索、全文检索功能。支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文关键词搜索功能。分类细致,类目设置较好。网站检索结果数量较少,精确度较高,以台湾网站为主,网站提要清晰但缺乏客观性。全文检索条件查询功能强。有酷塞(酷站)、新塞(新站)等目录。 添达香港搜索器 http://www.hksrch.com/  繁体中文和英文两个版本。提供类目检索、网站检索功能。目录分类合理细致,网站提要简明扼要。支持繁体中文、英文和数字关键词搜索,不支持简体中文搜索。网站检索结果数量不多,主要为香港中英文站,精确度较高。有条件查询功能。提供“拍卖搜索”服务。 盖世引擎 http://gais.cs.ccu.edu.tw/  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AltaVistahttp://www.altavista.com/ Lycoshttp://www.lycos.com/ Ask Jeeveshttp://www.askjeeves.com/ MSN Searchhttp://search.msn.com/ Direct Hithttp://www.directhit.com/ Netscape Searchhttp://search.netscape.com/ Excitehttp://www.excite.com/ http://www.52ddo.comhttp://www.330721.comhttp://www.versax.netSnaphttp://www.snap.com/ FAST Searchhttp://www.alltheweb.com/ Open Directoryhttp://dmoz.org/ Go / Infoseekhttp://www.go.com/ Yahoohttp://www.yahoo.com/ GoTohttp://www.goto.com/ RealNameshttp://www.realnames.com/ Googlehttp://www.google.com/ WebCrawlerhttp://www.webcrawler.com/ HotBothttp://www.hotbot.com/ Inktomihttp://www.inktomi.com/ IWonhttp://www.iwon.com 常用搜索引擎EuroSeekhttp://www.euroseek.net/ Voilahttp://www.voila.com/ HotLinkshttp://www.hotlinks.com/ WebWombathttp://www.webwombat.com.au/ 4anything.comhttp://www.4anything.com/ Britannica.comhttp://www.britannica.com/ Abouthttp://www.about.com/ Diaboloshttp://www.diabolos.com/ DisInformationhttp://www.disinfo.com/ SearchKinghttp://www.searchking.com/ Global Online Directoryhttp://www.god.co.uk/ Aeiwihttp://www.aeiwi.com/ Qango.comhttp://www.qango.com/ Links2Gohttp://www.links2go.com Datawarehttp://queryserver.dataware.com/general.html ByteSearchhttp://www.bytesearch.com/ Debriefinghttp://www.debriefing.com/ HuskySearchhttp://huskysearch.cs.washington.edu/ MatchSitehttp://www.matchsite.com/ Black Widowhttp://www.widow.com WebInfoSearchhttp://www.webinfosearch.com/ 1Blinkhttp://www.1blink.com/ Datahit Metasearchhttp://datahit.com Chubbahttp://www.chubba.com/ Supercrawler.comhttp://www.supercrawler.com/ SearchBuddyhttp://www.searchbuddy.com/ One2seekhttp://one2seek.com SearchWizhttp://www.searchwiz.com/ Search Caddyhttp://www.searchcaddy.com Family Friendly Searchhttp://www.familyfriendlysearch.com InfoZoidhttp://www.infozoid.com/ Search Runnerhttp://www.searchrunner.com Ask Pete!http://askpete.alienalchemy.com WorldLighthttp://www.worldlight.com OneSearch.comhttp://www.onesearch.com/ infiniSearchhttp://www.infiniSearch.net fuzzycrawlerhttp://www.fuzzycrawler.com/index.php3Ixquickhttp://www.ixquick.com 简体中文搜索引擎雅虎中文http://www.yahoo.com.cn 搜罗中文http://solo.szonline.net 新浪网搜索引擎http://www.sina.com.cn 中经网搜索http://infonavi.cei.gov.cn 中文Excitehttp://chinese.excite.com 天网http://pccms.pku.edu.cn 中华网搜索引擎http://search.china.com Netscape Netcenterhttp://cic.cn.netscape.com 悠游中文http://www.goyoyo.com EIN中文查寻http://www.searchchina.com 搜索王http://www.sousuowang.com ET中文导航http://www.et.com.cn 找到啦http://www.zhaodaola.com.cn 我是野虎http://www.5415.com 中公网网典http://wander.cis.com.cn 搜狐http://www.sohu.com 网易http://www.netease.com 华好网景http:// 常青藤http://www.tonghua.com.cn你好网络http://www.nihao.ne 若比邻http://www.robot.com.cn 搜索天下网http://www.sogowang.com 香港世页http://www.ipoinc.com.hk 凯希搜索http://www.kaixi.net 瑞得在线-看中国http://www.readchina.com 金桥导航http://search.scgb.com 1608搜索引擎http:// 视讯中文http://www.gdcatv.com.cn china168http://www.china168.com 指南针http://compass.net.edu.cn 搜索客http://www.cseek.com 中国网站元亨搜索http://www.chinasite.net   繁体中文搜索引擎薯藤http://www.yam.com.tw/  简体中文、繁体中文和英文三个版本。提供类目搜索、网站检索、全文检索、直接到达、BBS搜寻功能。支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文和数字关键词搜索。分类科学,类目设置较好。网站检索结果数量较多,精确度一般,以台湾香港网站为主,网站提要简明扼要。全文检索收录不够丰富。直接到达功能不够强。 BBS搜寻有类目检索,还有讨论群、全部、标题、作者、内文、来源以及时间等选项查询。有新站、酷站、热门站等目录。 哇塞 http://china.whatsite.com/  简体中文、繁体中文和英文三个版本。提供类目搜索、网站检索、全文检索功能。支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文关键词搜索功能。分类细致,类目设置较好。网站检索结果数量较少,精确度较高,以台湾网站为主,网站提要清晰但缺乏客观性。全文检索条件查询功能强。有酷塞(酷站)、新塞(新站)等目录。 添达香港搜索器 http://www.hksrch.com/  繁体中文和英文两个版本。提供类目检索、网站检索功能。目录分类合理细致,网站提要简明扼要。支持繁体中文、英文和数字关键词搜索,不支持简体中文搜索。网站检索结果数量不多,主要为香港中英文站,精确度较高。有条件查询功能。提供“拍卖搜索”服务。 盖世引擎 http://gais.cs.ccu.edu.tw/  繁体中文版本。提供类目搜索、网站检索、全文检索、BBS检索和FTP检索功能。支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文和数字关键词搜索。有网站直达功能。分类规范,类目设置较好,网站提要清晰。网站检索结果无提要,数量较多,以台湾网站为主。全文检索收录不够丰富。检索结果精确度一般。条件查询功能完备。 浩瀚搜索器 http://www.howhunt.com/  提供类目、网站及全文检索功能。分类科学,类目设置较好。支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文和数字关键词搜索。网站检索结果数量和精确度一般,网站提要完备清晰,部分网站有星级标注(但评级标准不清)。有强大的高级检索功能,如可选择区域、语言、网址、标题检索,以及同义词检索、上位词检索等。提供机构检索服务。 openfindhttp://www.openfind.com/  全方位的搜索引擎,提供全球网页搜寻、 全球华文网站搜寻(GB、BIG5) 、台湾网页搜寻(BIG5) 、台湾BBS网路论坛搜寻(BIG5)、台湾线上新闻搜寻(BIG5)服务。 其中对中文检索意义最大的是全球华文网站搜寻,有简体中文和繁体中文两个版本,提供类目搜索、网站检索、全文检索功能,类目搜索,网页全文检索功能强大,中文网页收录丰富。提供完善的搜寻服务,支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文和数字关键词搜索。极具特色的台湾BBS网路论坛搜寻,收录台湾 BBS 网站中的文章,提供一份按照主题分类的 BBS 讨论组文章目录。提供多功能限制选项和“代理搜寻”服务。 天网中英文搜索引擎http://pccms.pku.edu.cn:8000/gbindex.htm  简体中文、繁体中文和英文三个版本。提供全文检索、新闻组检索、FTP检索(北京大学、中科院等FTP站点)。目前大约收集了100万个WWW页面(国内)和14万篇Newsgroup(新闻组)文章。查询界面分为简单和复杂查询两种。复杂查询可对查询进行控制,如有精确匹配、模糊匹配等,支持逻辑操作。搜索结果数量较多,显示模式有标准和简要两种,标准模式查询结果中显示文档的摘要信息。支持简体中文、繁体中文、英文关键词搜索,不支持数字关键词和URL名检索。 英文搜索引擎AOL Searchhttp://search.aol.com/ LookSmarthttp://www.looksmart.com/ AltaVistahttp://www.altavista.com/ Lycoshttp://www.lycos.com/ Ask Jeeveshttp://www.askjeeves.com/ MSN Searchhttp://search.msn.com/ Direct Hithttp://www.directhit.com/ Netscape Searchhttp://search.netscape.com/ Excitehttp://www.excite.com/ http://www.52ddo.comhttp://www.330721.comhttp://www.versax.netSnaphttp://www.snap.com/ FAST Searchhttp://www.alltheweb.com/ Open Directoryhttp://dmoz.org/ Go / Infoseekhttp://www.go.com/ Yahoohttp://www.yahoo.com/ GoTohttp://www.goto.com/ RealNameshttp://www.realnames.com/ Googlehttp://www.google.com/ WebCrawlerhttp://www.webcrawler.com/ HotBothttp://www.hotbot.com/ Inktomihttp://www.inktomi.com/ IWonhttp://www.iwon.com